

Secretary-General’s Message on World Oceans Day


8 June 2014


“Ocean Sustainability: Together let’s ensure oceans can sustain us into the future”


  The observance of World Oceans Day this year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Known as the “Constitution for the Oceans”, this instrument provides a comprehensive legal regime for all ocean activities and is critical to the sustainable use of the world’s seas and oceans.


  We have to ensure that oceans continue to meet our needs without compromising those of future generations. They regulate the planet’s climate and are a significant source of nutrition. Their surface provides essential passage for global trade, while their depths hold current and future solutions to humanity’s energy needs.


  On this World Oceans Day, let us reflect on the multiple benefits of the oceans. Let us commit to keep them healthy and productive and to use their resources peacefully, equitably and sustainably for the benefit of current and future generations.



  世界环境日为每年的6月5日,它的确立反映了世界各国人民对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了人类对美好环境的向往和追求。它是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高政府对环境问题的注意并采取行动的主要媒介之一。 联合国环境规划署每年6月5日选择一个成员国举行“世界环境日”纪念活动,发表《环境现状的年度报告书》及表彰“全球500佳”,并根据当年的世界主要环境问题及环境热点,有针对性地制定“世界环境日”主题。