

Message on International Day of Families


15 May 2014


  As we commemorate this year’s International Day of Families, we recognize the meaningful contributions that families make to advancing the mission of the United Nations.


  By providing economic and emotional sustenance to their members, families can raise productive, caring citizens committed to the common good. Strong, well-functioning families, whatever form they may take, can help reduce poverty, improve the wellbeing of mothers, promote gender equality and uphold human rights.


  Support for families is crucial to realizing their full potential. That means factoring their needs into development policies, considering their circumstances in addressing conflicts, and advocating for the equal treatment of all families, regardless of their structure. As we strive to usher in a more sustainable future, achieve the Millennium Development Goals, shape a new development agenda and combat climate change, let us mobilize the world’s families.


  On this International Day of Families, let us strive to strengthen these small but critical units found in every society so that we may advance as one human family toward greater progress.



  卫塞节(VESAK DAY)是佛陀出生、成道觉悟、逝世的一天。佛陀出生于公元前624年5月月圆日(相当于夏历四月十五月圆日),出生地是今尼泊尔蓝毗尼。经中国佛教协会前会长赵朴初居士提议,汉传佛教界以夏历四月十五日为“佛吉祥日”,以与国际佛教界一同庆祝。每年卫塞节的日期根据历法而定,是在五月的月圆之日。将这天(或数天)列作公众假期的包括斯里兰卡、马来西亚、缅甸、泰国、新加坡、越南等国。鉴于卫塞节已获得联合国承认,因此,国际上的正式名称是“联合国卫塞节”(United Nations Day of Vesak)。