

  75.Which point of view may the author agree to?

  A.Every effort should be paid back.

  B.Competition should be encouraged.

  C.Winning should be a life-and-death matter.

  D.Fear of failure should be removed in competition.

  解析:文章结构清晰,第一段首句揭示主题:Opinions about competition are different among people. 第二段作者通过生活中的观察发现:Many children are lost in the desire to succeed. 并表明自己的看法:In their single-minded pursuit ( 追求)of success , the development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten .(在他们对追求的简单心态下,许多其他的品德的发展被可悲地遗忘了。)第三段第一句用到表转折的副词however,其后呈现段落主题句:while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed , others take an opposite attitude .接下来,作者分析了两种不同态度的实质:Both are based on the mistaken belief that one’s self-respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others . Both are afraid of not being valued .最后作者表明自己的观点:Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve (缓解) can we discover a new meaning in competition .分析各个段落的主题,我们不难得出文章的中心思想:只有消除竞争中的畏惧,我们才能发现竞争的意义。75题是一道推理题,要求我们推断作者的观点态度,分析文章的结构,结合文章的主题,我们不难推断出:D 为正确答案。

  【实战演练练习八】(05 山东卷 B 篇)

  Fidenzio Salvatori is determined that the city of Toronto will have an outdoor marketplace for merchants from its immigrant community, complete with dancing and other forms of amusement from their native countries. “Toronto is truly multicultural(多元文化的),” he said in a newspaper interview. “It’s a city from many places, and a multicultural marketplace will help Torontonians to understand and appreciate the rich variety of cultural groups in our city.”